Understanding your bill

Hover over each dot to see the explanation.

Account Number

This is your account number which helps us identify you as the account holder. This number should be referenced when contacting us or making payments.

Due Date

This is the date by which the invoice needs to be paid. Failure to pay by this day may result in late penalty charges.

Amount Due

This is the total amount due including past and present amounts.

Service Address

This is the address in which the meter is installed and the service is supplied.

Bill Date

This is the date that the bill was generated. Bills are due 20 days after the bill date.

Bill Address

This is the address in which the customer has requested the bills to be sent. It may or may not be the same as the service address.

Meter Number

This is a unique number used to identify the meter at your service address.

Read Dates

This shows the start date and finish date for the period in which usage is measured. It is often referred to as the billing period.

Billing Days

This shows the number of billing days you are being billed for on this invoice. It is the number of days between the start and finish meter reads.

Meter Readings

This shows the start and end read for the billing period. The difference between the two reads is your consumption for the month. The code indicates if the read is actual meter read (MR) or computer estimated (CE). 


This shows the number of kWh consumed for the billing period. It is the difference between the present and past meter reads.

Adjusted Usage

This represents your total consumption (kWh) after the adjusted or loss factor is applied. Your consumption is adjusted to account for costs associated with electricity loss when travelling to your metered location.

Adjustment Factor

This number represents the percent of electricity lost as it travels through the Local Distribution  Companies (LDC) distribution system to your meter. The factor is approved by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) for the LDC supplying your service territory. It is subject to change on an annual basis.


Important messages and regulatory updates are shown in this section.

Previous Balance

This amount is the amount owed on your previous invoice.


This show the amount of your most recent payment.

Electricity 1

This shows the amount of unadjusted electricity used and billed for in the last billing period. The electricity charge is based on a two tier billing system which applies rates based on the amount of energy used and the time of year.

In the summer the first tier pricing is applied to the first 600 kWh hours used. A second tier rate is applied to any usage over 600 kWh.

In the winter the first tier pricing is applied to the first 1000 kWh hours used. A second tier rate is applied to any usage over 1000 kWh. 

The rates change from summer to winter rates on November 1 of each year and from winter to summer rates on May 1 of each year. The tiered rates are set by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB).

Delivery Charges

The delivery charge reflects the cost of delivering electricity from the generating stations to your home. This includes the cost to build and maintain the transmission and distribution lines, towers and poles, and the operation of the provincial and local electricity systems. This also includes any charges for losses associated with the adjustment factor.

A portion of the delivery charges are fixed and do not change from month to month. The rest are variable and increase or decrease depending on the amount of electricity used. Included in the delivery charge is the monthly service charge.

Regulatory Charges

These are regulated charges reflective of costs associated with the administration of the wholesale electricity system and monitoring of the provincial grid.

Water Charges

This is the cost of water consumption and sewer services supplied to you during the billing period. Your bill may be separated into cold water and hot water depending on your location. This charge only shows on invoices of customers who are billed for water.

Gas Charges

This shows the amount of gas consumed and billed for the last billing period. This charge only shows on invoices of customers who are billed for gas.

Usage History

This shows your past consumption history to make a quick comparison of year over year usage.

Current Charges

This shows the total of all charges related to the current billing period.

Amount Due

This amount shows all of the charges due including any past balances that payment has not yet been received.