frequently asked questions

general faqS

general faqS

No. The meters are read remotely, through an electronic communication device that transfers data daily to our billing servers.



Bulk metering
Bulk metering means the local distribution company (LDC) supplies electricity, water and/or natural gas to the facility, consumption is measured by one meter and the facility receives one bill. The total utility cost is then allocated based on a unit square footage basis. Actual individual unit consumption is not taken into account.

Submetering involves measuring each unit’s energy usage and billing each Resident accordingly. The facility still receives one bill from the LDC, reflecting the total usage for the building.

Billing FAQS

Billing FAQS

An account enrollment form can be completed online through our website. Just click on 'My Account' navigate to 'CARMA Billing Services (CA)' and click 'Enrollment' under 'Forms'. Once completed, hit the ‘Agree, Please Submit My Request’ tab, and we will look after it from there.

Current administration charges for new accounts are $50.00 plus HST. This charge appears on your first invoice. Charges are subject to change.